the road to the temple

Orbs seen by the artist Molly Ackerman

Mental Processes

Reverend Soken Danjyo thinks there are two methods by which one can observe one's mental processes. The first is to look into the inner self, your 'mind inside'. The second is to look at the 'outgoing mind' the consciousness which utilizes the five senses to perceive the external world.
Look at his part on the general boudist's masters website, written in english


Gesineke Veerman said...

Meer lezen over Danjo san? Ik schrijf over ons bezoek aan zijn tempel in mijn blog: http:/

ella arps said...

I forgot that I made this site in 2010. maybe we should renew it and make it actual and give it the good vibes, because we just had a Zen Festival in AMSTERDAM, LEIDEN EN ROTTTERDAM in May 2018. I feel ashamed that I never worked on this site anymore.

Snow covers the temple in January

Snow covers the temple in January

Daylight map

click on link

here you can see that from the point of view from Holland the sun is always travelling west, finally to arrive in Japan.......


kōan is a story, dialogue, question, or statement in the history and lore of Chán (Zen) Buddhism, generally containing aspects that are inaccessible to rational understanding, yet may be accessible to intuition. A famous kōan is: "Two hands clap and there is a sound; what is the sound of one hand?" (oral tradition, attributed to Hakuin Ekaku, 1686-1769, considered a reviver of the kōan tradition in Japan).

Link in English for Japanese cooking

2008 Year of the Rat

2008 Year of the Rat


February 3rd is called Setsubun in Japan. It's the day before the first day of spring on the lunar calendar. Setsubun is known as bean throwing (mamemaki) festival. People throw roasted soybeans around houses and at temples and shrines to drive off bad luck and to bring good luck in. It's a custom to eat the same number of beans as one's age, hoping for good health and happiness. See the wikipdia

See for the fortune rollsat the page of ceremonial food.